- 24×7 Access Video tutorials
(in a safe platform, no ads) - Start building creative portfolio
- Gain media design maker skills using:
(Photoshop, Illustrator, Procreate, Dimension etc… - Virtual 1:1 class pro instructor
- On-going enrichment digital media program
- Students will learn how to sketch, create motion, 3D, 2D, Vr, Ar, graphic novels…
- Prepare students for the digital & real world.
- Prepare students for a better future
We certainly know how much you care student’s minds and skills.This program is to help students gain new skills and get prepared for the real digital world. with our classes and tutorials they will be able to learn in deep about photography, image manipulation, print setup, product design, animation, parallax effect, Gifts animated, video editing, create graphic novel design and much more
Adobe Suite Procreate, Laptop, PC or iPad are required.

to help & support students to develop their Creativity

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How much time does students spend watching social media or playing on a mobile device? It is time to turn all that time spent into a practical skill.