Spot colors are critical components to commercial design and Extended Color Gamut printing changes the game for designers and brands who want their colors more accurately matched quicker, easier and with using less wasted resources.
Who Can Benefit From the EXTENDED GAMUT Coated Guide and How?
Coated Guide: Your Printing Options Just Got More Colorful
Brand Owners:
- Freedom to choose more colors and confidence they can be achieved
- Set expectations for color reproduction when process printing logos with multiple spot colors
- Maintain tighter control of your brand standards among multiple vendors
- Save time – fewer approval rounds
The PANTONE EXTENDED GAMUT Guide is easy to use!
- Select the desired color from FORMULA GUIDE or COLOR BRIDGE
- Find the same color in the EXTENDED GAMUT Guide and compare both guides side-by-side
- If the Extended Gamut color is not a visually acceptable match, the color should remain specified as a solid.
- When the Extended Gamut color appears adequate, specify the XGC color in the artwork
- Tell your printer that you want them to use ECG process printing to complete your project
See how closely seven-color process colors can match spot colors
- Expect more satisfying, richer, more vibrant printed color results as compared to CMYK
- Confirm acceptable, realistic color reproduction standards before press
- Enables lower print MOQs
- Save money and time with fewer approval rounds
- Go-to-market faster