Online Classes
- ☑ Full access to more than 25 Video tutorials daily
- ☑ 50 min Live-online classes access
- ☑ Live Classes, 1 or 2 Days per week 50 min each class
- ☑ Dedicated Live professional instructor
- ☑ Small class size ratio
You will be emailed a link for the requited app/software for the class after registered. For kids class iPad & Apple Pencil are required. For Teens Laptop or PC is required.
CreativeOnes my son has found a way to practice and unearth his creativity. I am very happy with the academy, the teacher shows a lot of interest for each of the students and they in a relaxed environment learn to use technology. Estoy muy contenta con la academia, en un ambiente relajado aprenden a usar la tecnología
Online Classes
- Full access Video tutorials
- 50 min live-streaming
- 1 or 2 classes per week
- Dedicated live professional instructor
- Small class size ratio
- Tuition is every 4 weeks!
Software info will be sent after registered. iPad & Apple Pencil is required for kids class, For teens pc or laptop is required.
Dive into the world of drawing & animation
–Inspired iPad Courses
- Experience an engaging learning process
- Develop creative thinking
- Gain confidence using digital media tools
- Receive 1:1 Online Instructor Feedback
- Acquire new computer graphic skills
- Study in an on-going enrichment program
- Work with the latest mobile technology
- Learn tips/tricks (Procreate, Photoshop, Premier, Illustrator, Coding swift, and more…)
to help & support students to develop their Creativity